Friday, 30 November 2012

A woman starts her journey as a daughter fulfilling the expectations of her family. She then becomes a wife, and supports the needs of her family. As a mother, then she becomes an epitome of sacrifice and surrenders completely for the needs of her child. In the old age, she plays an important role in holding her family together and providing guidance to the youngsters. She plays all these roles with dignity and grace and hence womanhood is ever saluted. During this entire phase, she also submits her body to numerous pains and tortures, physical abuse and more.

No branch of medicine has changed as radically in the past three decades, as has Obstetrics and Gynaecology. This specialty has expanded its horizons and interests. The obstetrician and gynaecologist has assumed new roles and reverted to traditional relationships with the female patient: 

* As a primary physician for women from the menarche to the end of life;
* As a protagonist for social awareness and change in women's rights, human sexuality, contraception and population dynamics;
* As a biological scientist whose major focus is human reproduction in all of its physiologic and pathologic aspects.

At the same time, we cannot forget that this is an intensely human, emotion-laden process which must not lose its psychological character and force in a welter of scientific methodology. So Select Surrogacy India has a special cell for Obstetrics and Gynaecology to recognize the problems of these amazing women and take care of them. This special cell offers the care of the pregnant woman, her unborn child and the management of diseases specific to women.

the laparoscopy surgeries are more preferred because the healing rate is faster. This enables the patient to resume her normal activities much faster compared to the traditional 'open surgeries'. Continue below to learn more about our comprehensive obstetrical programs and gynaecological surgeries. 

* Laparoscopic Hysterectomy
* Laparoscopic Tubal Ligation
* Laparoscopic Ovarian Cystectomy
* Laparoscopic Ectopic Pregnancy Evacuation
* Laparoscopic Myomectomy for Fibroids
* Diagnostic Laparoscopy

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Infertility Treatment India - Is it the hope much awaited for?...

Everyone wants to have a family with kids. After having a successful career when someone settles in life to get married, they do so because they feel that they are ready to take responsibility of having a family of their own, taking care of their spouse and children in future. But there are a few who even after trying, are unable to conceive a child. This happens if the person is infertile. Infertility means that due to some biological problems of some organs of the person, the person is unable to conceive. This is not restricted to just one gender, it can happen to both females and males. But one should not be disheartened by this condition of theirs because this is where Infertility Treatment India comes in.

Infertility has become a threatening problem worldwide. The number of people unable to conceive a baby is alarmingly increasing, reducing the birth rate in many countries. It can be treated by either medication or by surgeries. Many times it is caused by diseases, and experienced Surgeons in India can determine it and correct it efficiently. There are various conditions that give rise to infertility in both men and women. Some conditions of women include Endometriosis where the uterine lining that sheds monthly grows outside the uterus, Ovulation problems where hormonal problems restrain the ovary to release a mature egg, even the quality of the developed egg matters. In men there are conditions like Male tube blockages where there is an obstruction for fertile sperm to pass. These blockages may be caused by sexually transmitted diseases like chlamydia or gonorrhoea. Also low sperm counts and abnormal shaped sperms can cause infertility in men. Both women and men have sperm allergies where they get immune to sperm which results in the killing of sperm cells.

With an increase in conceiving problems the scope Infertility Treatment India is also getting widespread so that people would get themselves treated and dream of having the family of their own. Various surgical measures used to treat infertility are Laparoscopy where a probe is inserted in the abdomen through a small incision to have a check on the reproductive organs internally, Hysteroscopy on the other hand does not require any incision or cut as the inspection can be done through the vagina itself, and Hydrosalpinx which is actually a disease but helps in correcting infertility.

All these procedures help in checking for problems which can be then rectified accordingly. Surgeons in India use the above mentioned techniques to find out the reason for infertility by observing the reproductive organs which is followed by the corrective measure best suited. Indian Selectsurrogacyindia offers a full description of all possible problems along with the measures to treat it so that a person can conceive once again. They not only provide with the details of the problems but guidance is also provided as to how to go about any kind of treatment anywhere that a person wants to get treated. Tubal ligation surgery India

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Uterine Fibroid Embolization Procedure in India...

Indian gynecologists, who are among the best medical service providers, by the virtue of their expertise and experience, have gained the trust of patients from overseas. For this reason, millions of the patients, who suffer from uterine fibroids, fly to India for the treatment. Moreover, it is less expensive here. The other procedures that are offered in India to remove fibroids are laparoscopic or hysteroscopic myomectomy, Hormone therapy, hysterectomy, and laparoscopic assisted vaginal myomectomy,etc.

What is Uterine Fibroid Embolization?

It is a minimally invasive technique to remove fibroid tumors from the wall of Uterus.  These tumors are non-cancerous in nature. They can vary in size.  Through UFE, a blood supply to fibroids is blocked with the help of small particles released through a tube called catheter, which, in turn, is inserted through uterine artery. This treatment is used as a last resort in the patient who has got no benefit from hormone treatments or other medication.

Benefits of getting treated for Fibroids in India—

  • Many Indian gynecologists are educated from international universities and work with internationally accredited hospitals.
  • Many hospitals in India have excellent infrastructure and other facilities.
  • They cater to every need of the patient, right from the patient's medical care to the accommodation of the person accompanying him.
  • The paramedical staff is highly efficient and well trained.
  • Most doctors speak English.  In case, the patient does not know English, a translator can easily be arranged.
  • The patients from abroad do not have to wait in long queues for the treatment.
  • The most important benefit is the low cost of the medical treatments in the county.

India, the south Asian country with world famous hill stations, museums, and historical places, has become a popular destination for medical tourists, who get to combine their health care trip with an excellent vacation.  India is a very good option for patients from overseas who want not only quality treatment but also want to save time and money. Fibroid removal surgeryIndia



Monday, 26 November 2012

Infertility Treatment India - Is it the hope much awaited for?...

Everyone wants to have a family with kids. After having a successful career when someone settles in life to get married, they do so because they feel that they are ready to take responsibility of having a family of their own, taking care of their spouse and children in future. But there are a few who even after trying, are unable to conceive a child. This happens if the person is infertile. Infertility means that due to some biological problems of some organs of the person, the person is unable to conceive. This is not restricted to just one gender, it can happen to both females and males. But one should not be disheartened by this condition of theirs because this is where Infertility Treatment India comes in.

Infertility has become a threatening problem worldwide. The number of people unable to conceive a baby is alarmingly increasing, reducing the birth rate in many countries. It can be treated by either medication or by surgeries. Many times it is caused by diseases, and experienced Surgeons in India can determine it and correct it efficiently. There are various conditions that give rise to infertility in both men and women. Some conditions of women include Endometriosis where the uterine lining that sheds monthly grows outside the uterus, Ovulation problems where hormonal problems restrain the ovary to release a mature egg, even the quality of the developed egg matters. In men there are conditions like Male tube blockages where there is an obstruction for fertile sperm to pass. These blockages may be caused by sexually transmitted diseases like chlamydia or gonorrhoea. Also low sperm counts and abnormal shaped sperms can cause infertility in men. Both women and men have sperm allergies where they get immune to sperm which results in the killing of sperm cells.

With an increase in conceiving problems the scope Infertility Treatment India is also getting widespread so that people would get themselves treated and dream of having the family of their own. Various surgical measures used to treat infertility are Laparoscopy where a probe is inserted in the abdomen through a small incision to have a check on the reproductive organs internally, Hysteroscopy on the other hand does not require any incision or cut as the inspection can be done through the vagina itself, and Hydrosalpinx which is actually a disease but helps in correcting infertility.

ICSI Treatment In India- Low Cost ICSI Treatment- ICSI Treatment India

The eggs retrieved from the follicular fluid is kept in a CO2 incubator for 4-10 hrs for maturation and then 50-100 thousand processed sperm are placed around each egg . In some cases where sperm count are very low, the process of fertilization must be assisted via the injection of individual sperm into each egg, process called ICSI. There are few techniques to process semen and to take highly motile sperm for fertilization. Techniques like “swim-up” technique density gradient and Ficoll entrapment are used to prepare sperm for insemination.

ICSI [Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection]:
Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) 

Either Male or female factor where the IVF is not successful, with the help of a special instrument called a micro manipulator, an ICSI is done
Indication for ICSI
·         Low sperm count          
o   Unexplained failure or poor fertilization in previous IVF cycles.  
o   Severe structural abnormalities of sperm.    
o   Immotile sperm. Eg. Inherited disorders of the sperm tail for which no other IVF technique is effective (ex: Kartagener's Syndrome).     
o   Epididymal  or testicular sperm obtained from Azoo spermic patients (No sperm count in semen, but normal or low sperm production in the testis)
o   Sperm obtained by electro ejaculation or from urine incases of retrograde ejaculation. 
o   HIV / AIDS, Hepatitis A, B, C affected male partner.           
Steps of ICSI : 
Eggs are first retrieved and placed in a tiny drop in a special dish. While viewing the egg and sperm through a microscope, a single sperm is captured in a fine glass needle and injected through the egg shell and into the center of the egg. Successful fertilization is evaluated the following day. Three to five days after ICSI embryos are transferred into woman's uterus. ICSI treatment India , Cost ivf india